
Posts Tagged ‘Sarcophagus’

Making a Mummy and Sarcophagus

model of a Mummy in it’s Sarcophagus

The new term starts next week, and we have a great model-building project lined up. Since we are now situated in the library, it’s hard not to be influenced by the books that surround us. One day last term I was sat near the Egyptians section of ‘People in History’ and started to leaf through a few books.

I thought it would be great if the children could make their own Mummy and Sarcophagus – I always remembered the Mummy coming out of the coffin in the Scooby-Doo cartoons when I was a child, how cool would it be to make your own.

So this summer I had a play with some cardboard & foil and made up a model to show the kids. Lyn has done lots of research too, so hopefully we will be able to show the art club some great pictures to get their imaginations fired up.

The model in the photo is not finished as it needs a colourful painting of an Egyptian mask on the lid and some gold paint to decorate the inside of the Sarcophagus.

I will post some more pics when the children start to make theirs.

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